• After brief introductory remarks by TÜSİAD SVN Chair Ayşegül İldeniz, panelists Aylin Demirci, Senior Counsel and Director at Johnson & Johnson MedTech Digital and Alexander Touma, Parter at Allen & Overy discussed the rapid growth of AI and digitalization and how it is changing that ways law is practiced across countries and sectors.

  • The General Assembly of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) convened in Istanbul and elected a new Board of Directors.

  • The High Advisory Council of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) convened in Ankara on December 8, 2023. The High Advisory Council is a biannual deliberative conference where the business world takes stock of domestic and global political and economic developments and offers suggestions to policy makers from a business perspective.

  • Newsletter
    TÜSİAD Haftalık Bülten
  • Berlin Bosphorus Initiative organized its inaugural Istanbul Conference entitled “Türkiye and Germany in a Changing World” on 3 June, in Turkish – German University Istanbul to strengthen a genuine dialogue and communication as well as sustainable ties between our societies.

  • 4th Quality in Construction Summit

    Venue: Four Seasons Bosphorus, İstanbul

    4. International Quality in Construction Summit  


    Main Theme: Sustainability & Blogal Competition  
    Moderatör: Sunay Akın


    08:15-09:00     Registeration / Welcome Coffee

    09:00-10:00     Opening Speeches

    Hüseyin Bilmaç, İMSAD Association of Turkish Building Material Producers President
    Ümit BOYNER, TÜSİAD President  
    Nihat Ergün, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology (*)

    Special Session

    10:00-10:15     Sustainable Export Targets of Construction Industry and Turkey Towards 2023

    Mehmet Büyükekşi, TİM Turkish Exporters Assembbly President

    10:15-10:50      Sustainability and Targets

    Moderatör: Fatih Türkmenoğlu

    Galip Sayıl, BASF Marketing and Sales Director  
    Christoph M. Grosser, Demirdöküm Board Member

    10:50-11:20      Coffee Break / Networking

    Part I

    11:20-12:00     Presentation: Report on "Sustainability, Green Buildings and Nanotechnology Strategies in Construction Sector"

    Orhan Turan, İMSAD-UNG Working Group Co-Chairman  

    Okşan Atillla Sanön, TÜSİAD Sustainable Development Task Force Chairperson  
    Muhammed Maraşlı, İMSAD-UNG Working Group Member  

    12:00-12:50     Leader's Role in Sustainability & Impact of Industry

    Moderatör: Cansen Başaran Symes, TÜSİAD President of Corporate Affairs Committee  

    Zeynep Bodur Okyay, Kale Group President, CEO
    Saffet Karpat, Procter & Gamble Turkey, Caucasus and Middle Asia President of Board, SKD Business Council for Sustainable Development Turkey Board Member  
    Hakan Gürdal, İMSAD Sustainability Committee President, SKD Business Council for Sustainable Development Turkey Eco-Systems Group Chairperson

    12:50-14:00     Lunch Break

    Part II

    14:00-14:20     Show: Contacttango İstanbul Dance Company

    14:20-14:40     Future Visions & Trends

    Murat Şahin, Original Group of Companies Founding Partner, President of Futurists Association of Turkey

    14:40-15:35     Sustainable Cities (Building Safety in Turkey During Urban Transformation)

        14:40-15:00  Dr. Kadir Topbaş, Mayor of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, President of Union of Municipalities of Turkey (*)
        15:00-15:20  Recep Altepe, Mayor of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, President of Union of Municipalities of Marmara Region
        15:20-15:35  Richard Budel, IBM Global Business Services, Public Safety & Global Solution Leader - IBM Smarter City Presentation 

    15:35-16:10     Coffee Break / Networking

    Part III

    16:10-17:00     New Trends of Competition in Construction Industrry (Green Buildings / Energy Efficiency...)  

    Moderatör: Haluk Sur, Turkish Green Building Council, President

    Levent Akgerman, İMSAD Vice President  
    Erman Ilıcak, Rönesans Holding President of Board  
    Kerem Erginoğlu, İstanbul Architects Association, Vice President  

    17:00-17:35     Presentation: EUBuild EE Energy Efficiency in Buildings Guide Book - Country Report  

    Prof. Dr. Sermin Onaygil, İMSAD Report Manager, İTÜ Energy Institute Director for Energy Planning and Management Division
    Dan Staniaszek, MA (Oxon), MSc, CEng, Senior Expert, BPIE Building Performance Institute Europe

    17:35-18:00     Closing & Sunay Akın Show

    (*) TBA


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