Turkey’s Policy Towards Neighbouring and Surrounding Countries within the Accession Process to the European Union – Strategic Approaches

Prepared by Associate Professor Gülden Ayman, Tülay Ayalp Kılıçdağı and Aydın Sezer, briefly the following elements are touched upon in the report: While building cooperation in the fields of economy and trade or expanding the already existing fields of cooperation or developing the mechanisms is considerably difficult in an environment in which political issues continue to hold their weight; the disappearance of the political problems may not automatically bring along the dynamics of cooperation. Even as the solution to political problems are sought; the development of economic cooperation and trade and the contributions of the civil society may also be articulated to this solution process. The most successful examples of such an articulation will be those situations in which the timing is well adjusted and each step is planned to the finest details. Actually this requirement for fine planning and fine tuning also necessitates a change in Turkey’s attitude towards its neighbours regarding many aspects wherein solutions are sought with a ‘wholesaler’ perspective, that is, a perspective seeking solutions to all of them with the same prescriptions.