Statement by TÜSİAD President Muharrem YILMAZ - April 17 2013

17 Apr 2013 Related File

TÜSİAD President Muharrem Yilmaz made the following statement on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP):

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is the most recent chapter in the Transatlantic Economic Partnership (TEP) project, which was launched at the 1998 US – EU Summit in London.

TÜSİAD has been closely following the transatlantic process since 1998 and has underscored its importance during the inauguration of the TÜSİAD Washington Representative Office that same year. For 15 years TÜSİAD has been reaching out to Turkish officials, European decision makers and the European business world, and has called for Turkey’s inclusion in this process.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is the newest stage of the Transatlantic Partnership. TÜSİAD strongly supports the Turkish government’s approach on TTIP. However, involving Turkey as a separate negotiating entity would delay the process. That is why we believe that becoming an associate partner or observer of TTIP or would greatly benefit Turkey.     

We also support our government’s efforts in achieving a separate free trade agreement with the United States, respecting therefore Turkey's current customs union with the EU. We believe that a flexible approach in finding a formula that meets the expectations of Turkey in the final agreement is necessary.

It is important to note that the Transatlantic Partnership is not only comprised of TTIP: A great structure is emerging that will ultimately reshape international standards and regulations.  The Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) is developing joint projects under new legislation and standards in emerging sectors and technologies.  Thus, Turkey must not only be a party to TTIP, but should also find its place in TEC.

In an effort to inform and solicit the opinions of the Turkish business world, TÜSİAD will organize a conference on “The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and its impact on Turkey” in May. We will discuss the results of the impact analysis conducted by the EU and evaluate how Turkey may be affected. The next seminar will be held at the end of the year following the completion of an impact analysis on Turkey.