“UN Global Compact Network Turkey" determined its Board of Directors

21 Mar 2013 Related File

The Board of Directors to represent UN Global Compact Network Turkey in the period of 2013-2016 has been determined.

The institutions elected to send their representatives to the Board of Directors were determined as Akkök, Anadolu Efes, ARGE Consulting, Bilim Pharmaceuticals, Borusan Holding, Coca- Cola İçecek, Doğuş Otomotiv, Borsa İstanbul, Koç Holding, Sabancı Holding, TSKB, Yüksel Holding, ZED Event Management and Consultancy and Zorlu Holding, and also the two institutions undertaking the secretariat of the network, TİSK and TÜSİAD.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, from ARGE Consulting was elected as the President of the Board of Directors of the UN Global Compact Network Turkey.

“United Nations Global Compact” is an innovative corporate responsibility initiative proposing universal principles in order to create a collective culture of development in the business community where the competition is the rule. Its vision is a “sustainable and comprehensive global economy” and participation is on a purely voluntary basis.

In this context ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption were determined. Thousands of companies, labor unions and NGOs has participated to the UN Global Compact by declaring that they are committed to align their operations, business strategies and culture with these ten universally accepted principles and made the UN Global Compact the largest voluntary platform of the world.

247 institutions from Turkey have signed the Global Compact. UN Global Compact has contributed significantly to the dissemination of the notion and the idea of corporate sustainability and to the cooperation in the business community for the targets of developments.

The UN Global Compact Network Turkey held its General Assembly on March 20th, 2013 and elected its Board of Directors. The institution elected to send their representatives to the Board of Directors were Akkök, Anadolu Efes, ARGE Consulting, Bilim Pharmaceuticals, Borusan Holding, Coca- Cola İçecek, Doğuş Otomotiv, Borsa İstanbul, Koç Holding, Sabancı Holding, TSKB, Yüksel Holding, ZED Event Management and Consultancy and Zorlu Holding, and also the two institutions undertaking the secretariat of the network, TİSK and TÜSİAD.

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden, from ARGE Consulting, the first signatory of the UN Global Compact from Turkey, was elected President of the Board of Directors of the UN Global Compact Network Turkey.

The new Board of Directors designated the reinforcing the Network Turkey, its representation on international platforms and the increase of the effectiveness of the current participants as the priority targets.