Euractiv - TÜSİAD “Future of Europe” Roundtable Meeting on 22 March 2013- Brussels

22 Mar 2013 Related File

TÜSİAD organized a roundtable meeting in cooperation with the leading think tank Euractiv on “Future of Europe” on Friday, March 22, 2013 in Brussels.

Simone Kaslowski, TÜSİAD Board member responsible of the European Affairs Committee, Günter Verheugen, Former Vice-President of the European Commission, Cinzia Alcidi, CEPS (Center for European Policy Studies) Director of Economic Policies department, Richard Corbett, Cabinet Member in the name of European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, and Ernst Stetter, FEPS (Fresh Thinking) Secretary General attended the meeting as speakers and evaluated the consequences of the economic crisis that affects the European Union profoundly. Moreover different perspectives on the future of Europe had also been discussed.

Simone Kaslowski, TÜSİAD Board Member had made the following evaluations during the debate:

“In times of continuing crises and expanding domestic and international challenges, prospect for a resilient Europe is a major concern for the business. Eurozone crisis has become a test of over 60 years of European integration. Since the EU project is rather perceived as a rehearsal of globalization, the success of the EU is vital for the success of a healthy globalization. The outcome of the European integration project will determine the future of all the countries of our continent whether they are actually member or not of the European Union. The world needs Europe as a center for excellence in terms of well-functioning single market and monetary union, being an influential global actor and as a peaceful and democratic reference. To this end, I take this opportunity to inform you that TÜSİAD is planning a comprehensive study on the new architecture of the EU, in collaboration with our counterpart organizations in Germany and the UK (BDI and CBI). The purpose of this project is to endeavor answering the questions on "how to attain a globally competitive and institutionally more efficient Europe”.