Institut du Bosphore Annual Seminar, 29 - 30 September 2011, Hilton Hotel Istanbul

28 Sep 2011 Related File

Institut du Bosphore, a Franco - Turkish think tank established in 2009 in Paris with TÜİSAD initiative organizes its third Annual Seminar on 29 - 30 September, in Hilton Hotel İstanbul. 

The Seminar, that will adress issues on global economy, foreign policy and environment, will be held with the participation of high level French and Turkish politicians, business people and academicians.
The opening speeches will deliver by Ms. Ümit BOYNER, the President of the Board of Directors and Member of the Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee and Mr. Lucien ARKAS, the Board Member of TÜSİAD and the President of TÜSİAD Country Communication Committee. Mr. Kemal DERVİŞ, Co-president of Institut du Bosphore Scientific Committee will deliver a speech through videoconference at the meeting.