TÜSİAD: "The first and foremost priority of the new parliament's agenda must be the resolution of the current predicament."

24 Jun 2011 Related File


The series of events that have occurred since the 12th June elections turn out to be an obstruction for the sound operation of the Parliament that has the task of drafting a new Constitution. Without the representation in the Parliament of the all political parties with elected members, progress will not be possible on Turkey’s three fundamental issues:  identity, freedom of religion and conscience, and the separation of powers. Therefore, we expect the establishment of an atmosphere gathering all the parties within the new Parliament.
We believe that the priority of the political leaders ought to create a positive atmosphere and produce solutions through the political dialogue and within the spirit of leadership that the actual extraordinary situation necessitates.
The right to representation granted by the electorate requires that all political parties take their place in Parliament in a constructive political atmosphere. The new Parliament has to put the resolution of the problems that face us at the top of its agenda and confidence-building measures must immediately be taken covering the laws and regulations on political parties, the electoral system, freedom of expression and freedom of association.