TÜSİAD Press Release - 13 June 2011

13 Jun 2011 Related File


TÜSİAD: “At the outcome of the 24th Term Turkish National Assembly Elections, we congratulate the Justice and Development Party, which will continue to govern for a third consecutive term, the Republican Peoples Party, the National Movement Party and independent members of parliament, and would like to underscore our hope that this new parliament will undertake all possible endeavors to raise the democratic standards and the wellbeing of Turkey.”
TÜSİAD Board of Directors has issued a statement following the outcome of the Turkish General Elections of 12 June 2011. The statement features the following remarks:
Our expectation from the new period is a Turkey that has completed reforms for a  new constitution through wide participation and consensus, the EU membership process and job creation while having secured its economic stability.
As the business community, our expectation from the new Parliament and the upcoming Government can be summed up in three parallel processes:  
1. A new constitution that places the ‘individual’ in its center through a participatory and conciliatory approach, 
2. The strengthening of Turkey’s most important anchor, the European Union membership process, on the way to pluralist democracy, high living standards and sustainable development,
3. In order to strengthen macroeconomic stability and to secure sustainable development:
a.  The securing and strengthening of financial and price stability through harmonized monetary and fiscal policies, 
b.  The implementation of micro reforms as underscored by the “New Industrial Strategy” for efficiency-based and sustainable development,
c.  The strengthening of employment capacity and the reduction of unemployment.
We believe, as TÜSİAD, that political institutions will be able to resolve Turkey’s structural problems and blockages by correctly channeling Turkey’s energy. As an independent and volunteer organization representing business that has celebrated 40 years, we reiterate that we are ready and willing to do our part towards this aim and would like to wish the 24th Term  Turkish National Assembly success in its endeavors.