Turkish Family Firms meet up for corporate management

02 Mar 2011 Related File


With the support of the Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD), the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TÜRKONFED) and the Turkish Institute of Internal Auditing (TİDE), TÜSİAD realized the first of a series of seminars under the “Family Business Seminar”  to be held throughout Turkey, on 2nd March in Istanbul.
The opening speeches at the seminar designed to present applications of the new Turkish Commercial Code and to strengthen corporate governance concepts in companies were TÜSİAD President Ümit Boyner, TÜSİAD Board Member and TKYD Chairman Tayfun Bayazit and TÜRKONFED Deputy Chairman, TÜSİAD and TKYD Board member Muharrem Yılmaz.
In his opening speech, TKYD Chairman Tayfun Bayazıt touched upon the importance of equity, responsibility, transparency and accountability implementations for business owners and family companies.  TÜSİAD President Ümit Boyner stated that family companies needed to internalize corporate governance principles in order to extend their commercial lifespan. Saying that their success in this would overcome problems in accessing finance, Boyner stated that in thus increasing their investment fund and credit opportunities, reaching human resources and taking other investment decisions would also be facilitated.
The seminar was also addressed by TKYD Board Member Dr. Murat Doğu, İnci Holding Board Member Perihan İnci, TKYD Board Member Fikret Sebilcioğlu, Kilsan A.Ş CEO and Deputy Chairman Fuat Ekmekçioğlu, TÜSİAD Internal Auditing Working Group Chairman Ali Kamil Uzun, TİDE President Özlem Aykaç İğdelipınar, TKYD Board Member Dr. Tamer Saka and Doğuş Holding Risk Management Department Head Alper Uğural.
In the seminars, the recommendations of TUSİAD’s “Corporate Management Principles for Governance Rules”, “Internal Auditing Implementations in the Real Sector”, “12 Questions You Need to Ask About Internal Auditing in Management Rules” and “Corporate Risk Management” reports and TKYD’s “Management Guide for Family Companies in the Light of Corporate Governance” study were conveyed by experts centered on family companies.


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